
CE Certificate Acquisition Process

With the expression of expert teams CE Certificate Acquisition Process

The companies that want to get CE Certificate should prepare technical files about the product they want to do first. The technical file that forms the basis of the CE Certificate tender process is required for all products that fall into the risky or risk-free category.

Companies that want to use CE marking must keep the technical file they prepared for the product throughout production. If a functional change is made to the product, the technical file must be refreshed. However, under all other conditions, the technical file must be stored for CE mark validity.

What information should be included in the technical file?

The technical file should contain the basic and technical information about the product to which the CE marking is to be received, as well as the information about the company. The information that should be included in the technical file is as follows:

  • Basic information about the company
  • Label or plate bearing the technical data of the product
  • What the product is used for
  • List of national and international standards used in the production of the product
  • Reports of these tests if you have the test made for the product
  • CE Declaration of Conformity
  • If the manufacturers of the electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic components of the product have been tested and approved by their code numbers and specifications and a competent body,certification about this,
  • Current operating instructions for the product
  • If the product’s supply list and supply products are covered by CE, certificates and test reports of these products
  • Detailed descriptions of how the product is installed, how it works and how the product is maintained.

If there is a deficiency in the technical file

The missing or defective information in the technical dossier will delay the process of obtaining the CE certificate, For this reason, companies must be careful when preparing technical files. It may also be necessary to pass tests such as LVC, EMI and EMC according to the category of the products to which CE certificate is requested. In this case, the technical file should include other tests and reports that should be used in electrical, electronic and telecommunication equipment.