
5m Measurement Compatible Semi-Anechoic Room

Electromagnetic Compatibility Test Laboratories

 Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratories

EMC Test, which controls the electromagnetic compatibility of the devices and is required for the electronic devices to obtain CE certification, is a test that must be performed by qualified engineers in qualified laboratories. An electrical or electronic device must be subject to EMC testing to be available for sale in the free market. However, in case of incorrect or incomplete applications in EMC testing stages,prevents the device from receiving CE certification. For this reason, the EMC test equipment must be tested in the qualified laboratories and by specialist engineers.Faults or incorrect applications in the test phase may restart the device’s CE Certificate, resulting in market losses and financial losses.

Ege Test Center and EMC

EMC test, electronic or electrical components, working in harmony with other devices and not damaging the devices in the environment and that it ensures that the electromagnetic compatibility meets the requirement of electromagnetic compatibility to continue to work without being affected by these devices.If a device receives a negative report from the EMC Test, this means that the device may interfere with other electrical or electromagnetic devices or may affect operating standards. Since more than one electrical or electronic device is widely used in both industrial and domestic applications, It is essential that electrical or electronic devices have this condition. In addition to user benefits,EMC Test, which is one of the conditions required to obtain a CE certification of a device, is an important test phase for the safety and availability of the device.

EMC Laboratories for EMC testing

EMC Tests, This is a test which must be applied by the engineers who are experts in this field in the correct laboratory conditions.If the EMC Test is improper or incomplete, or if the documentation is not sent correctly,Since the CE certificate will have a negative impact on the process, It is necessary to pay attention to the criteria to be safe and qualified for the organization to be tested.