Imported CE certificate from Third Country
CE Certificate for Products Imported from Third Countries
Within the scope of the European Union Directives, the procedure for obtaining CE certificate for the products that the manufacturers in the third world want to sell in the European Union market takes place differently from the producers in the EU countries.
In accordance with the Manufacturer’s New Approach Directives, the product must be designed, manufactured and carried out according to the appropriate conformity assessment procedures.From the third world countries to the EU, the responsibility belongs to the importer company.Therefore the importer must apply for the CE marking.The responsibility for the European Union Countries belongs to the manufacturer. It is not the importer company, but the manufacturer, as it is in the third world countries that need to apply for the CE certificate in the importation from one EU country to another EU country. In the case of import operations for products that need to carry CE certificate to be put up for sale in the European Union common market, the company has to prove that the product is in compliance with European Union standards.
Exports from EU to Other Countries
CE certificate is mandatory for export to European Union countries but CE certificate is not required for exports to third world countries. Only countries such as covering the CE Certificate of European Union countries like Turkey accepted the directive is applicable to products to be sold within the European boundaries. Therefore, for export from European Union countries to other countries, manufacturers do not need to obtain CE Certificate or do tests such as LVD, EMI, EMC.