The Way to Enter the EU Market Passes CE Certificate
Products to be sold in the European Union environment and other creatures, without harming other products and equipment used in the same environment CE marking indicating that it can be used in a compatible and reliable manner the basic condition for obtaining permits for the free movement of products and goods. The CE marking standards indicate the minimum level of safety required to allow the sale of the product, and in this context it is not possible to say that the marking distinguishes between equivalent products in terms of quality.European Standardization Committee The products included in the scope of the legislation set by CEN are not allowed to be sold in the European Union without CE certificate approval, therefore, it is not possible to say that the CE marking distinguishes the commercial goods and products from each other in terms of quality, since all of the equivalent products sold in the member countries are marked by this mark.
Our country has changed the legal regulations in certain areas with European Union Harmonization Laws and thus CE marking in certain product groups, It is, as is the case in the member states of the European Union, has become essential. In the case of commercial enterprises wishing to market their production goods to the union, if the relevant product is within the scope of CE marking,The company has no choice but to obtain CE certificate approval for export. As the scope of the CE marking requirement will be widened further, it will be useful for all manufacturers and exporters to make production according to CE certification standards.By paying attention to the matters specified in the legislation, Our company provides consultancy services in strict accordance with the legal regulations and ensures that your company receives CE certificate approval in a short time and without any problems.
From low voltage equipment to lifts, medical devices to pressure vessels, freezer and hot water boilers to gas powered tools, consult with our team of experts on all aspects of CE certification procedures, including a wide range of materials, from construction materials to machinery,you can benefit from our corporate solution partnership to ensure that the application process is completed in accordance with the legislation. Since the fulfillment of these standards is also preferred in public and private tenders, It is important for enterprises with commercial targets for the domestic market to produce within the scope of CE certificate standards.