CE Certificate Acquisition Process

With the expression of expert teams CE Certificate Acquisition Process

The companies that want to get CE Certificate should prepare technical files about the product they want to do first. The technical file that forms the basis of the CE Certificate tender process is required for all products that fall into the risky or risk-free category.

Companies that want to use CE marking must keep the technical file they prepared for the product throughout production. If a functional change is made to the product, the technical file must be refreshed. However, under all other conditions, the technical file must be stored for CE mark validity.

What information should be included in the technical file?

The technical file should contain the basic and technical information about the product to which the CE marking is to be received, as well as the information about the company. The information that should be included in the technical file is as follows:

  • Basic information about the company
  • Label or plate bearing the technical data of the product
  • What the product is used for
  • List of national and international standards used in the production of the product
  • Reports of these tests if you have the test made for the product
  • CE Declaration of Conformity
  • If the manufacturers of the electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic components of the product have been tested and approved by their code numbers and specifications and a competent body,certification about this,
  • Current operating instructions for the product
  • If the product’s supply list and supply products are covered by CE, certificates and test reports of these products
  • Detailed descriptions of how the product is installed, how it works and how the product is maintained.

If there is a deficiency in the technical file

The missing or defective information in the technical dossier will delay the process of obtaining the CE certificate, For this reason, companies must be careful when preparing technical files. It may also be necessary to pass tests such as LVC, EMI and EMC according to the category of the products to which CE certificate is requested. In this case, the technical file should include other tests and reports that should be used in electrical, electronic and telecommunication equipment.


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Electromagnetic Compatibility Test Laboratories

 Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratories

EMC Test, which controls the electromagnetic compatibility of the devices and is required for the electronic devices to obtain CE certification, is a test that must be performed by qualified engineers in qualified laboratories. An electrical or electronic device must be subject to EMC testing to be available for sale in the free market. However, in case of incorrect or incomplete applications in EMC testing stages,prevents the device from receiving CE certification. For this reason, the EMC test equipment must be tested in the qualified laboratories and by specialist engineers.Faults or incorrect applications in the test phase may restart the device’s CE Certificate, resulting in market losses and financial losses.

Ege Test Center and EMC

EMC test, electronic or electrical components, working in harmony with other devices and not damaging the devices in the environment and that it ensures that the electromagnetic compatibility meets the requirement of electromagnetic compatibility to continue to work without being affected by these devices.If a device receives a negative report from the EMC Test, this means that the device may interfere with other electrical or electromagnetic devices or may affect operating standards. Since more than one electrical or electronic device is widely used in both industrial and domestic applications, It is essential that electrical or electronic devices have this condition. In addition to user benefits,EMC Test, which is one of the conditions required to obtain a CE certification of a device, is an important test phase for the safety and availability of the device.

EMC Laboratories for EMC testing

EMC Tests, This is a test which must be applied by the engineers who are experts in this field in the correct laboratory conditions.If the EMC Test is improper or incomplete, or if the documentation is not sent correctly,Since the CE certificate will have a negative impact on the process, It is necessary to pay attention to the criteria to be safe and qualified for the organization to be tested.

European CE Marking Strategy for Medical Devices

To sell medical devices in the European Union (EU), you must obtain or apply CE Marking for your product. CE Marking indicates a product’s compliance with the applicable EU regulations and enables the commercialization of your products in 32 European countries. As a legal medical device manufacturer, you are responsible for maintaining regulatory compliance and securing CE marking for your product, regardless of whether you outsource any or all components of your manufacturing operation.

How to obtain CE marking for your medical device

CE is not a quality mark, but compliance with EU Directives requires you to meet specific standards of performance, quality, safety, and efficacy for your product type. We have a detailed chart explaining the current The basic process follows these steps:

  1. Determine which EU Directive applies to your device: Medical Devices Directive (93/42/EEC), In Vitro Diagnostic Devices Directive (98/79/EC) or Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive (90/385/EEC)
  2. Determine the classification of your device.
  3. Implement a Quality Management System, if applicable to your device. Most companies use ISO 13485 to meet the requirements.
  4. Prepare a CE Marking Technical File or a Design Dossier
  5. Select and appoint a European Authorized Representative to act on your behalf within the EU if you have no physical location in Europe.
  6. Have your QMS and Technical File/Design Dossier audited by a Notified Body, unless your device is Class I, is not sterile and has no measuring function.
  7. Obtain CE Marking and ISO 13485 certificates from your Notified Body.
  8. Prepare a Declaration of Conformity (DoC), which states that your device complies with the appropriate Directive.

For Communication and Apply

For detailed information and communication, you can send an email to us or you can fill the form by clicking this Online Application link.

How is the EMC Test performed?

How EMC Test performed

The EMC test is a test of the electromagnetic compatibility of a device. EMC test, which must be done in accordance with the criteria determined by the test institutes or laboratories, have two options military standards and civilian standards Military standards are tests applied to products identified by the US and used for military purposes. Civil standards document the suitability of electrical or electronic devices used in daily life. These standards are national or international standards determined by home, industry or heavy industry usage.

The conformity of the EMC Test indicates that an electronic or electrical device is working in harmony with other devices. Products that disrupt the devices or their operation by affecting the operation or structure of other electrical or electronic devices due to electromagnetic field cannot obtain EMC compliance. The EMC test checks whether the devices are self-adaptive, electromagnetic interference with other devices, and whether they are immune to interference from other devices.

EMC test for electrical and electronic equipment, it is extremely important to market a product. If a product violates any electromagnetic compatibility requirement, the sale of that product is not permitted. EMI and EMC Standards are used to determine the electromagnetic quality of products. Standards which have two important elements as test limit values ​​and test methods include emission and immunity criteria for military devices. For EMI – EMC Standards, the product must comply with the required guidelines and undergo tests. In order to ensure that these tests are carried out correctly and to document the suitability of the product, the testing and laboratory environment must be qualified.The unqualified or inadequate environment of the tests will prevent the product from being tested correctly and cause problems in obtaining CE certificate.

Imported CE certificate from Third Country

CE Certificate for Products Imported from Third Countries

Within the scope of the European Union Directives, the procedure for obtaining CE certificate for the products that the manufacturers in the third world want to sell in the European Union market takes place differently from the producers in the EU countries.

In accordance with the Manufacturer’s New Approach Directives, the product must be designed, manufactured and carried out according to the appropriate conformity assessment procedures.From the third world countries to the EU, the responsibility belongs to the importer company.Therefore the importer must apply for the CE marking.The responsibility for the European Union Countries belongs to the manufacturer. It is not the importer company, but the manufacturer, as it is in the third world countries that need to apply for the CE certificate in the importation from one EU country to another EU country. In the case of import operations for products that need to carry CE certificate to be put up for sale in the European Union common market, the company has to prove that the product is in compliance with European Union standards.

Exports from EU to Other Countries

CE certificate is mandatory for export to European Union countries but CE certificate is not required for exports to third world countries. Only countries such as covering the CE Certificate of European Union countries like Turkey accepted the directive is applicable to products to be sold within the European boundaries. Therefore, for export from European Union countries to other countries, manufacturers do not need to obtain CE Certificate or do tests such as LVD, EMI, EMC.


Conducted Emission Testing

Conducted Emission testing, one of the EMC tests, is applied to many electrical products. In this test, it is checked whether the unwanted frequencies emitted from the cables of the products are below the limits.

Conducted Emission Testing

Conducted Emission testing is one of the EMC tests. With Conducted Emission test, electromagnetic unwanted signals emitted from the cables of the product to be tested or I/O ports are measured. Depending on the test standard to be applied, the unwanted signals in the 9kHz-30MHz range are usually measured to determine whether the test is below the specified limit in the test standard. The measured value in the Conducted Emission test is uV (micro volt) because of the conducted voltage measurement. In order to make the limits in frequency spectrum and test standards more clear, this unit is used with logarithmic expression (dBuV) and compared with the limits in the standard.

The devices and auxiliary items used in the Conducted Emission test are as follows:

EMI Receiver,

RF Cable,

Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN),

Isolation Transformer,

Appropriate Test Table,

Grounding Cables,

Computer and Test Software (for automatic Conducted Emission testing)

The scan is carried out using the EMI Receiver from the Conducted Emission test to measure peak and average values ​​of the signals. As a result of scanning in the EMI Receiver, the Peak and Average measurement results are compared to the limits specified in the test standard. For peak values, it is usually necessary to perform manual additional measurements after scanning, since Quasi-Peak (QP) limits are given. The EMC test expert who conducts the Conducted Emission test, completes the test after completing the QP measurements and evaluating whether the product has passed the test. Tests are carried out according to test standards starting with IEC, EN or other ones…

Conducted Emission test is one of the EMC tests which is closely related to many sectors from the lighting industry to the defense industry. Since many products have cables or I/O ports, the electromagnetic effects that may occur here may affect other products or systems. One of the EMC tests, Conducted Emission test, is used to prevent this interaction. We can also give examples of everyday life regarding the Conducted Emission test: the impact of a television operating in the same environment while the vacuum cleaner is operating. The vacuum cleaner and television use a common supply (mains) network as they are fed from the same network, so if the vacuum cleaner emits electromagnetic signals unwanted signals, we call it operation emission. If this spread is above the limits, the television may be adversely affected by these signals, resulting in loss of performance in the sound or image.

Electromagnetic Wave

During the Conducted Emission test, the products failing from the test are subjected to various modifications and R&D works. The most well-known modifications are the use of EMI filters, review of grounding and the use of EMI/EMC-compliant components. For example, a filter (R-L-C) design may be required in accordance with an electrical product with an emitting signal at 10MHz above the limit. After applying some changes, the product is subjected to same Conducted Emission test and the effect of the change is observed.

You can submit your questions and requests regarding Conducted Emission Test and other EMC tests to Ege Test Center online: Online Application Form

Our services and products related to Conducted Emission testing are as follows:

Testing and laboratory services

Supply of test equipments

Theoretical and Applied Trainings/Courses

Consultancy Services

R&D works

For Europe, Conducted Emission tests of radio equipments are performed according to ETSI standards. One of the milestones of EMC tests is the Conducted Emission testing. Ege Test Center provides pre-compliance, engineering and accredited Conducted Emission testing and certification services according to relevant standards.

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EMI Certificate

What is EMI Test?

What is EMI Test?

EMI, electromagnetic interference tests, radio frequency wave operating devices, malicious transmissions, operating frequency and output power controls. If it is determined that the device does not cause any electromagnetic interference in the environment according to these criteria, the device will be successful in the EMI Test. However, if the device is causing any electromagnetic interference, CE certification cannot be given to the device under test as it may impair the operation of other devices.

What happens as a result of the incompatibility of EMI Test conditions?

The devices under the Radio Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive must meet the EMI Test requirements in order to obtain CE certification. All radio and telecommunication equipment, such as mobile phones, satellite receivers, fixed and direct telephones, ADSL modem and other data modems, base stations, radio and TV transmitters, must meet the EMI Test requirements. Telecommunication devices which do not have EMI Test conditions may disrupt other devices or disrupt their operation. Likewise, these devices can also be damaged by interference due to this electromagnetic interference. Therefore, a telecommunication device must meet the requirements of the EMI test to obtain a CE certificate.

EMI Test application and certification

EMI test is carried out by the engineers in the laboratory environment in consideration of different conditions. Whether the device causes electromagnetic interference is controlled by different variations within the scope of the Radio Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive. If the device does not cause any interference, it may be eligible for a CE certificate and a certificate of conformity cannot be issued if an interference is detected. EMI test is mandatory for the telecommunication products, as the device or products are required to have CE marking in order to circulate in the European Union free market.

Ege Test Center and EMI

After being tested in EMI test laboratories, being careful during the report and document phase is also very important for getting CE certificate. For this reason, being careful when choosing test laboratories, Ege Test Center supports you in EMI Tests with expert teams.

Detailed information and contact

You can contact us by e-mail for detailed information about the EMI Test or you can contact one of our experts by filling out the form at https://en.egetestcenter.com/apply-online/ .



What is VBA3200-100?

The VBA3200-100 is a high power amplifier operating in the 700-3200 MHz range. Specifically designed for EMC Tests. Designed using GaAs technology, the VBA3200-100 gives you unreliable confidence in accuracy, efficiency and robustness. It is used in most EMC tests without any deterioration in the frequencies of the Amplifier.

VBA3200-100 Specifications

  • High quality GaAs Design
  • Class A production for maximum matching
  • General linear power requirements

VBA3200-100 Usage and Purchasing

Do you need this RF power amplifier, it is easy to get a quote. Please fill this online form: Apply Online.

VBA 100-3000 Amplifier

What is VBA 100-3000?

VBA 100-3000 is designed in the Ege Test Center and Vectawave’s 10kHz-100MHz range and is built for EMC Tests, VBA 100-3000 Amplifier is designed for high-performance IT-check usage and amplifier more efficient solutions and special power combining techniques to minimize loss it uses.

VBA100-3000 Interface and Control

The VBA 100-3000 Amplifier can be controlled from the panel on the front panel or remotely controlled by aids such as Ethernet, USB and GPIB interface.

The purpose of the digital user interface is to switch the system management on and off, display the power level, display the power supply life, control computer and electrical application kits, and access and edit them via the control panel display and keyboard.

VBA100-3000 Technical specifications and performance



  • High-strength MOSFET silicone-based design
  • Manufactured for maximum compliance with Class A,

Further information about VBA100-3000 and purchase

For detailed information about VBA100-300 0.01 – 100MHz 3000W Amplifier device, please contact marketing@egetestcenter.com or fill out the form at https://www.egetestcenter.com/apply-online/

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